SMA ID - A login for all digital applications from SMA

A login for all digital applications from SMA


A key to many doors

The SMA ID is your single sign-on access to all digital applications from SMA. With just one email address and password, you can conveniently and securely access all SMA portals and apps:

  • SMA Energy App

  • 360° App

  • Sunny Portal

  • Sunny Design

  • Online Service Center

  • SMA Online Shop

  • SMA Cashback

  • SMA Partner Bonus

Once you are logged in, you can easily switch between the applications without having to log in again. It’s that easy!

Discover SMA ID now

Your SMA ID benefits

Simple and user-friendly

Simple and user-friendly

  • One password for all applications.

  • Seamless switching between different SMA apps and portals, such as the Sunny Portal or the Online Service Center.

Convenient and efficient

Convenient and efficient

  • Manage your personal or business data centrally in one place.

  • Always keep track of your settings.

Easy management of company accounts

Easy management of company accounts

  • As a business customer, organize multiple users within your company account.

  • Administrators can easily and securely manage users.

How do I get an SMA ID?

If you already use SMA applications:

The next time you log in, you will be automatically prompted to merge your previous logins into the new SMA ID. Simply follow the online instructions.

If you are new to SMA:

Quickly and easily register for your SMA ID.

Register now