From January to September 2013, SMA Solar Technology AG (SMA/FWB: S92) sold PV inverters with an output of 4.0 gigawatts (Q1–Q3 2012: 5.9 GW) and generated sales of €709.3 million (Q1–Q3 2012: €1.2 billion) in a declining market. The company was able to benefit from its strong international position. The international share of total sales rose to 69.3% (Q1-Q3 2012: 53.4%). The most important foreign markets for SMA included North America, Japan, Australia, Thailand and Great Britain. Demand in Europe declined substantially in particular due to significant changes to subsidy conditions in Germany and Italy. Additionally, the trade dispute between the EU and China, which was settled only in July, regarding the introduction of punitive duties on Chinese PV modules created uncertainty.
Despite the sharp decline in sales, SMA achieved positive earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortisation (EBITDA) of €26.9 million in the first nine months of 2013 (Q1–Q2 2012: €164.4 million). Due to negative sales development, high price pressure, the changed product mix and Zeversolar’s business performance, in the reporting period earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) sank to €-30.1 million (Q1-Q3 2012: €116 million), representing an EBIT margin of -4.2% (Q1–Q3: 2012: 9.7%). EBIT includes expenses for personnel adjustments of €20 million. Not including one-time items and the negative earnings contribution from Zeversolar, SMA achieved a break-even operating result despite a 40% drop in sales in the reporting period. The Group earnings from January to September 2013 amounted to €-22.0 million (Q1-Q2 2012: €81.0 million).
With net cash of €300.3 million (Dec. 31, 2012: €446.3 million) and an equity ratio of 57.7% (Dec. 31, 2012: 61.8%), SMA continues to have a solid financial position and can finance further development from its own resources.
“SMA has adjusted the structures to best meet the changes that have occurred in the global solar market, and, as a specialist in PV system technology has strategically aligned itself to fulfill the requirements of the global energy transition. In 2014, we will launch the Sunny Boy Smart Energy, an inverter with an integrated battery, and first products from our completely newly developed product platforms. Next year, we will also continue our steadfast commitment in the area of development in order to advance our global market leadership and return to profitability,” explains SMA Chief Executive Officer Pierre-Pascal Urbon.
The SMA Managing Board confirms the sales and earnings forecast for fiscal year 2013 amended on November 4, 2013. The forecast predicts sales of €0.9 billion to €1.0 billion for the SMA Group. In addition, the Managing Board expects a loss of €80 million to €90 million. In 2014, the SMA Managing Board forecasts an increase in sales to between €1.0 and €1.3 billion and a positive operating result.
You can find the quarterly financial report for January to September 2013 at