„We are excited to contribute to the eco-friendly and healthy trend of sustainable living in Australia”, said Darren Hoffman, Sales Director at SMA Australia. “Our SMA Energy System containing Sunny Boy solar inverter and Sunny Boy Storage battery inverter enables home owners to rely on clean solar energy for the electrical devices in passive houses. These homes demonstrate that healthy, comfortable and energy-efficient living is achievable and solar power is the most cost-efficient source of energy, “Hoffman continued. “More than 750,000 SMA solar inverters have already been installed in Australia alone powering the country with clean solar energy. This demonstrates our dedication to contribute to the renewable energy supply of tomorrow.“
Focusing on the health of homeowners and the environment
“Passive Houses offer an entirely new way of building a home. It moves beyond minimum building requirements and looks to the future. A future where we rise to the challenge of building smarter, longer lasting homes that are healthy, energy efficient and incredibly comfortable,” said Mr Joe Mercieca, owner of Blue Eco Homes. “We are excited to be a part of a small but growing movement of Australian builders who are choosing to build with the health of homeowners and the environment in mind.”
Sustainable and bushfire resilient
Although very popular in Europe, passive houses are only just taking off in Australia. “The Sapphire” is just one of two passive houses in NSW. Blue Eco Homes’ flagship display home is the first certified passive house in the Blue Mountains and the first built to Bushfire Attack Level Flame Zone (BAL-FZ) regulations, the highest bushfire risk rating in Australia.
“The Sapphire” will be open to the general public via booking on September 15 for Sustainable House Day.
Visit sustainablehouseday.com/house/sapphire-passive-house/
Learn more about SMA Energy Systems for Homes.
About SMA
As a leading global specialist in photovoltaic system technology, the SMA Group is setting the standards today for the decentralized and renewable energy supply of tomorrow. SMA’s portfolio contains a wide range of efficient PV inverters, holistic system solutions for PV systems of all power classes, intelligent energy management systems and battery-storage solutions as well as complete solutions for PV diesel hybrid applications. Digital energy services as well as extensive services up to and including operation and maintenance services for PV power plants round off SMA’s range. SMA inverters with a total output of 75 gigawatts have been installed in more than 190 countries worldwide. SMA’s multi-award-winning technology is protected by approximately 1,400 patents and utility models. Since 2008, the Group’s parent company, SMA Solar Technology AG, has been listed on the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (S92) and is listed in the SDAX index.
Press Contact:
Adele Zhang
Marketing Director, APAC
Tel. +61 2 9491 4200
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